After serving as a British Army nurse during World War II, Claire Randall embarks on a second honeymoon in Scotland with her husband, Frank, a former MI6 officer transitioning to a career as an Oxford historian. However, her life takes a dramatic turn when she is unexpectedly transported back to 1743, finding herself in a perilous and unfamiliar world. To survive, Claire is forced to marry Jamie Fraser, a charismatic Scottish warrior with a complex past and a sharp sense of humor. As a passionate romance develops, Claire becomes torn between two very different men and two drastically opposing lives. *Outlander* is adapted from Diana Gabaldon's best-selling novels, blending historical drama, romance, and time travel.
Working with the Outlander team has been a fantastic experience for everyone at FixFX. Over the years we have expanded the kind of work we do on the show from beauty work to clean up, matte painting, keying and on.
This show in particular has helped develop the skills of the vfx workforce in Scotland and created dozens of jobs for new entrants to the industry.