Gangs of London S02
"Gangs of London is a British television series produced by Pulse Films & Sister, following struggles between rival gangs and other criminal organisations in present-day London. The first series aired in the UK on 23 April 2020 on Sky Atlantic. Loosely based on the 2006 video game of the same name,[2] the series was created by Gareth Evans and Matt Flannery, best known for The Raid action crime films. A second series was announced in June 2020, with AMC to take over US broadcast rights and co-produce.[3][4] The second series premiered on 20 October 2022 in the UK and Germany and premiered on 17 November 2022 in the US.[5] A third series was announced in November 2022.
FixFX supplied a variety of work from beauty work to refining volume production issues. It's been a great showcase for the teams versatility in 2D vfx.